

Please understand this is an application for enrolment only and does not guarantee your child a place. There is no need to rush in. Enrolments are not accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Enrolment Priority Table

As Gwynne Park kindergarten is pre-compulsory schooling, there is no guarantee of a place in your local school. To obtain an enrolment application please see our Administration staff or download and submit the Kindy Application form below. Please make sure you book an enrolment meeting to secure your child’s enrolment. 

Please ensure all original supporting documentation is provided with your enrolment application. 

Three Proofs of Address:

  1. Latest Council Rates Notice (if you own your property) or Tenancy Agreement with a minimum of three months lease period remaining.
  2. Driver’s Licence with current address
  3. Latest Utility bill (Water/Gas/Electricity only.)

Student documentation required:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Australian Passport (Please note that if your child is an Australian citizen but both parents were born overseas, then proof of one of the parent’s permanent residency/ citizenship or the students Australian Passport is also required at the time of application.)
  3. Medicare Immunisation History Statement

Immunisation Statement

4. Visa or Australian Citizenship. If a child or parent is a visa holder, you will also need to provide the visa grant notice and Passport.